Common Questions Answered

What Honey Bunny Herb Shop products can I take while breastfeeding? Safe: all sea moss products 

Possibly Safe in moderation: natures multivitamin sea moss & bladderwrack capsules, daily digestive support capsules, comfort tea, heal me tea, maca root capsules, binder rescue capsules

Not Safe: colon rescue cleanse, valerian root tea

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking any of these products while breastfeeding 

What zeolite products can I take while breastfeeding?Possibly Safe in moderation: Zeolite detox Pack & PBX spray

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking any of these products while breastfeeding 

What Honey Bunny Herb Shop products can I take while pregnant? Safe: all sea moss products 

Possibly Safe in moderation: natures multivitamin sea moss & bladderwrack capsules, daily digestive support capsules, comfort tea, heal me tea, maca root capsules, binder rescue capsules 

Not Safe: colon rescue cleanse, valerian root tea

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking any of these product while pregnant 

What zeolite products can I take while pregnant? Possibly Safe in moderation: Zeolite detox Pack & PBX spray

BUT I recommend waiting till after pregnancy to take any zeolite products.

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything while pregnant 

What should I use for parasite, bacteria, fungal, mold or metal cleansing? The Cleansing Package from Honey Bunny Herb Shop (sea moss, colon rescue, daily digestive support, Binder Rescue & heal me or comfort tea) *the colon rescue is the anti parasitic herbs

The zeolite detox pack or PBX spray as an additional binder

My Healing Guide for more information on targeting parasites, mold or metals and opening drainage pathways 

I also recommend using the hair/ spit testing I use to know what toxins and pathogens your dealing with.

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything 

How often can I do the Colon Rescue Cleanse? 1-3x a year is recommended for regular cleansing! If you do the cleanse and feel you need another one soon, wait 2 weeks to give the body a break then cleanse again. Durning this time feel free to continue the other herbs from my shop!

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything 

Can everything I recommend be taken together? Yes! Everything is made to work well together.

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything 

How to detox my pets? My one dog passed visible large worms! From round worms to liver flukes! Only took 2 weeks for her to start passing them!
1. PBX mineral spray (super amazing parasite & heavy metal binder) made of zeolite at natural mineral! Give smaller pets 1 spray per day on food and larger 2-3 sprays a day
2. Irish sea moss (rich in minerals to support cellular function on detox) get my get kits or capsules and add to food! Open capsules and pour in
3. Feed them nourishing meals like meat with organic veggies! No seed oils and try to get them organic food! I even add some celtic salt to my dogs food and water for extra hydration 

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything 

What safe for kids? Safe: all sea moss from my shop and the zeolite detox pack and PBX spray 

Possibly safe in moderation:colon rescue cleanse capsules, daily digestive support capsules, comfort tea, heal me tea, maca root capsules, binder rescue capsules 

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything 

Tips to first start a cleanse? Get my healing guide for more information, work on gut health (try to be pooping at least 1x a day), follow the food list, stay hydrated, start slow for example instead of starting with 3 colon rescue pills a day start with 1.

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything 

Does everything I recommended ship internationally? Yes! My products, the zeolite products and the testing company all do orders outside of the US

Do I need to do the zeolite products? No, but they compliment my herbal products well and are great toxin binders! 

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything 

Do I need to do the testing? & How does it work? No, but it’s super helpful to be able to know exactly what toxins and pathogens you have. The test Works by ordering a test kit, mailing back hair and spit samples, creating an account on their site, and getting results in 1-2 weeks!

*this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, please consult doctor before taking anything 

Do I need to follow the food list? No, but it helps!

What does wild crafted mean? Honey Bunny Herb Shops sea moss is wild crafted meaning it’s from the ocean! NOT pool grown! Irish moss from Maine and Jamaican moss from Montego Bay.

Are all the herbs organic? Yes! All sources of the organic herbs are USDA approved organic and from an appropriate county of origin. No herbs are sourced from China, there have been many studies showing organic herbs from China still tested to contain pesticides so just to be careful they are avoided. 


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